Tuesday, June 28, 2016

We miss TSAA

Today, Bien went to school late because she was not feeling well since last night so we allowed her to wake up late and go to school late. We went to their new school, Golden Values School (GVS) around 9:30am already instead of the usual 7:30am. Before going to the gate, Bien told me again, "Pa, I don't like this school."

She's been telling me about it actually since last April when she was attending a summer class. She did not want to leave the house if we are going to GVS, she only likes her old school, The School for Academics and Arts (TSAA). Later she stopped talking about "not going to the  new school."

Below, one of the activities the students do every Monday morning. After the national anthem, a prayer, then a group sing and dance, their morning exercise too.

Last week, Bien fell down while running and playing with her classmates at the school ground. Her two knees had bruises, the right knee has mild blood, she was crying. Then she blurted out that words again, "I don't like this school, I have boo-boo here often."

TSAA's lobby is carpeted or with rubber cover, below. So if kids fall down while running and playing, no bruises in their knees and hands. GVS' ground is made of cobble stones.

I think Bien is still attached to TSAA, she went there for 1 1/2 years. Elle went there for 2 years (Grades 3 and 4). GVS is already a small school, small student population but TSAA being a new one, is much smaller than GVS.

Me too, I like TSAA. For the following reasons: (1) There is parking, can accommodate up to 9 cars. So I could park at the school, go inside and have a chat with co-parents, my 2 girls' classmates, teachers, admin staff. (2) I would know and personally meet many of my co-parents at both Elle's and Bien's classes days before classes would start because the school would conduct an orientation with nice food and drinks, then we have the chance to  meet co-parents after the orientation.

I like the short bonding and small talk with some co-parents at TSAA. The school allows parents to stay at the lobby, carpeted and air-conditioned, very liberal to parents and even yayas.

At GVS, no parking, it's on a busy street, so parents just drop their kids and drive off. The same for picking up the kids. Third week now since classes have started, I have not met or I do not know a single co-parent at either Elle's or Bien's class. Below, the two girls' retired school uniform, shirt only. They wear this at least once a week, every Monday, and during field trips.

One difference though, GVS is a traditional school, so the girls have one book, one notebook each for the 8 subjects. There are short assignments every day to do at home, 2-3 subjects on average. At TSAA, they do not have one specific book per subject, no assignment to bring home.

TSAA's key officials. From left, Jules, the school principal; Noel, school co-owner and a co-parent, he's the father of Happy, Elle's classmate in Grades 3 and 4; and Audie, school President and co-owner. This was during the last PTA meeting in February 2016.

Jules introduced many changes to the school, tried hard to prop up students' academic and artistic talents, entice more interest of parents, etc. Although it was rather late for some parents who have already decided not to re-enroll their kids at TSAA this school year. The school experienced some internal problems since 1st sem then towards 2nd sem last school year.

Nonetheless, I miss TSAA. I miss chatting with Noel, other co-parents at grade school, other co-parents at K2, Bien's class then.

There was good friendship developed among us. Now that friendship has been cut, except in occasional greetings and sharing of photos in facebook.

Meanwhile, I have no new friend, know no co-parents, at GVS. Maybe after several weeks more, there will be an opportunity.

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